Image of Space Ghost floating in the cosmos with a yellow ship behind him coutrtesy of Dynamite Entertainment / Bjorn Barends | Agents of Fandom

‘Space Ghost #1’ Is an Epic Cosmic Adventure and a Return to Form for the Character

This is not the Space Ghost you remember, and that’s a good thing.

This review was made possible because of an advanced copy of Space Ghost Issue #1 provided to Agents of Fandom by Dynamite Entertainment.

The Guardian of the Spaceways returns in an all-new comic book series from Dynamite Entertainment by writer David Pepose and artist Jonathan Lau. Bringing the Coast to Coast host back to his superhero escapades, Space Ghost Issue #1 is an action-packed re-introduction to the character that celebrates the property while also pushing it to its full potential.

‘Space Ghost #1’ Re-Introduces the Iconic Character

Artwork by Jonathan Lau of Space Ghost lurking in the shadows with cosmic flames surrounding him from Space Ghost #1| Agents of Fandom
Ghosts always lurk in the shadows. Image Credit: Dynamite Entertainment/Jonathan Lau.

Space Ghost Issue #1 is a phenomenal first issue that hits the ground running in its opening pages. Pepose handles the introduction to our characters masterfully, giving readers just enough to get invested in them while also laying the groundwork to set us up for a truly epic cosmic adventure.

Space Ghost is a rather strange character. Rising to popularity from his cartoon show in the ’60s and the famous Space Ghost Coast to Coast talk show from the ’90s, the character doesn’t really have a true back story. Pepose uses this to his advantage by giving audiences a new origin for the cosmic hero and his companions Jan and Jace, as well as their pet sidekick Blip — an issue that pays respect to the character’s original conceptions while also bringing them into the modern age.

Something Pepose does exceptionally well in his work is using established elements to create new and compelling perspectives on the characters or their environment. Space Ghost is no different, especially in the cases of the cosmic hero’s sidekicks Jan, Jace, and Blip.

In the original cartoon series, Jan and Jace have no real back story either; they are just along for the adventure and, for whatever reason, have a pet monkey. In Space Ghost Issue #1, Pepose gives these characters a purpose and authority, making them feel more fleshed out in just one issue than they have been in almost 60 years.

Jonathan Lau’s Art Makes Space Ghost a Commanding Presence

Artwork by Jonathan Lau of Space Ghost blocking a strike from a villain (Brak) while protecting a young woman (Jan) in Space Ghost #1 | Agents of Fandom
Space Ghost is a cosmic Superman with a cooler costume. Image Credit: Dynamite Entertainment/Jonathan Lau.

While Pepose excels at bringing a wonderful first issue that introduces this new era for Space Ghost, the art by Jonathan Lau is the secret sauce that brings Pepose’s vision to life. Lau’s art in this issue is nothing short of spectacular, with dynamic action sequences to keep readers on the edge of their seats and incredible character designs that make the cosmic hero look better than ever.

This is not the Space Ghost fans may remember from his comedic Coast to Coast days. Lau draws the cosmic adventurer in a way that demands attention, making him a commanding presence in every panel. While the pacing of this series is great, Lau’s ability to translate that pace throughout this first issue is impressive, with no wasted space in any panel. There is never a moment where the eye has nowhere to focus, or the momentum is lost.

Andrew Dalhouse‘s vibrant and powerful coloring is the driving force bringing everything together. Dalhouse’s colors complement Lau’s artwork beautifully and make the art in this issue remarkable. The vibrant use of Dalhouse’s color pallet makes the powers of Space Ghost jump off the page, making you feel the full cosmic power of our hero.

‘Space Ghost #1’ Review: The Guardian of the Spaceways Returns

Artwork by Francesco Mattina of Space Ghost holding his cosmic power while walking through space for the cover of Space Ghost #1 | Agents of Fandom
This isn’t your parent’s Space Ghost. Image Credit: Dynamite Entertainment/ Jonathan Lau.

Space Ghost Issue #1 is an action-packed cosmic adventure that breathes new life into the property while honoring the character’s legacy. Space Ghost has never been better, in a first issue that establishes the character as a true cosmic force and gives much-needed development to its cast.

The creative team on this book seems to be in perfect sync, with each element complementing the others to create something that is easily accessible to everyone while also appealing to and respecting long-time fans of the character. This book truly has something for everyone and is the beginning of a new standard for the coast to coast hero.

Grab Space Ghost Issue #1, in stores on May 1, 2024. Follow the Agents of Fandom socials for the latest entertainment news, reviews, and coverage.

Space Ghost #1 Review

Space Ghost #1 Review
5 5 0 1
5.0 rating
Total Score

The Good

  • A perfect re-introduction to an iconic character.
  • Gives much needed development for its cast.
  • The artwork is dynamic and powerful.

The Bad

  • Not a thing.
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