While a release date has yet to be revealed, Netflix’s hit teen drama, My Life with the Walter Boys, is in production for Season 2. Based on the book of the same name by Ali Novak, Walter Boys joins the ranks of popular Netflix dramas like Outer Banks and Never Have I Ever. During the wait for Season 2, Agents of Fandom had the opportunity to speak with Ashby Gentry, who plays Alex Walter; the actor discussed the upcoming season and his hope for Season 3, as well as being Team Cole or Team Alex. Make sure to catch everything in our interview below!
Ashby Gentry Compares ‘My Life With the Walter Boys’Season 1 and 2 Drama Levels

AoF: Really nice to meet you! Really nice to talk to you. Yeah, I guess we’ll just start out with the big question, What’s in the cards for Alex in Season 2 of Walter Boys? And how is he reeling from that little Season 1 cliffhanger?
Gentry: Well, Alex. Alex is, I guess… what I can say is, he’s changed a lot since you last saw him. He’s grown a lot, he’s a lot older, [and] he’s sort of coming into his own. I think he has, certainly has a lot of resentment towards Jackie.
AoF: Yeah.
Gentry: Where things left off [at the end of] Season 1, [Jackie and Alex] have a lot to work through, which you get to witness in Season 2. And likewise with Cole. There’s a lot that’s been unsaid, and and a lot of grievances that need to be aired out, and they definitely air it out. So, it’s exciting to watch. And he’s, I think he’s less afraid this year to express himself, and he’s less timid, and that manifests in him standing up for himself and being more direct with what he wants and who he wants, and it’s really exciting to watch.
AoF: Oh, that is really exciting! I’ll be looking forward to watching all of that. And with that said on a scale of one to 10. How drama-filled and juicy is Season 2? And how does it compare to Season 1?
Gentry: Oh, my gosh! I think it’s, uh, I mean it… I feel like it’s a 10. I don’t know how it could be anything less. It’s messier, which is so true. It’s so true, you know. Things get like situations are messy, and that’s how especially love triangles work. I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced one in real life, but it’s messy and it’s pretty, I mean, and compared to Season 1 it’s a lot more. It’s a it’s a bit grown up like it’s we’ve aged with the audience, I think. And I hope that Season 3 does the same thing. It’s a little bit more intense. I mean, yeah, it’s definitely more intense. And it’s messier, and it’s not perfect. There’s not clean edges around everything. Things are ambivalent and muddy and human, so I’m excited to see. It’s like we explore everyone’s flaws a little bit more, and none of these characters are perfect, which is what makes them so interesting. And that’s fun. And it’s really fun to play that. And it’s I hope it’s fun to watch it.
AoF: Yeah, I totally agree with that. I watched the show. I’m a fan of the show, and I totally saw that like every character had some flaws, some things they had to work on, and so I think in Season 2 watching that — would you say that it’s going to kind of like, come back to them like kind of blow it, for lack of a better phrase, blow up in their face in a little bit?
Gentry: Yeah, it’s sort of like the return of the repressed. It’s like all of these things that they push down. They keep pushing down, pushing down, pushing down. At some point, they’re gonna come to the surface and manifest themselves, either in lashing out or [in] new romances or [in] old romances or fights. You know there’s a bit of everything. And you know, this show’s about response. It’s like, how do you respond to death? How do you respond to love? How do you respond to life? How do you respond to each other? And there’s a ton of history that needs to be exercised, and they do that this year. And yet it’s not done by the time Season 2 is over. There’s still a lot more to handle, so we’ll see.
AoF: Oh, that’s that’s good to know. Have you guys wrapped on Season 2, or are you still in production?
Gentry: Oh, no, we’re wrapping soon, but we have read all of the episodes. And yeah, I think it’s only beginning for a lot of these stories. Some of them wrap up some of the stories wrap up, but there’s new ones that are opened up, and for a lot of them, it’s just getting started.
Ashby Gentry Discusses His Stance on the ‘Walter Boys’ Love Triangle

AoF: Oh, that sounds really, really cool. In the past, you have said that you’re not sure if your team, Cole or Team Alex. Has filming Season 2 and reading the scripts, has going through it, has it changed your opinion?
Gentry: Yeah, absolutely. I ha! How could I not be team Alex? I have to be Team Alex.
AoF: Right. I mean, that’s who you play.
Gentry: Yeah. Yeah. But even so. Firstly, if you were Team Cole in Season 1, I think you’re toxic, because it’s just crazy to me to be Team Cole Season 1. He’s horrible in Season 1.
AoF: Alright. Thank you! Thank you.
Gentry: So like Alex is such a redeeming character, and there was a lot of criticism like of him for being clingy, and my response. That is sorry he cares about Jackie. I don’t know what you want, you know.
AoF: I mean I mean-
Gentry: Anyone who was Team Cole, I think, like you clearly have something you might need to work out with yourself because Cole was toxic.
AoF: I think. Yeah, like as someone who — again, I’m a fan of a lot of these teen dramas. I’m very familiar with kind of the brother love triangle [trope]. You know, I think, Cole, this is just me I guess, talking from a fan’s perspective. Yeah, I thought Cole was kind of toxic as well. I felt like he really took out a lot of his inner issues on Jackie, and I think a lot of people sometimes like the moodiness. I totally understand that, but I don’t know. I sort of see what you’re saying there and I think you bring up some really good points? With. But yeah.
Gentry: No other option then, yeah. I get it. But there’s another option right there, so I don’t know.
AoF: All right. So you’ve been team Alex since day one, like since you read the book and the scripts like it’s always been Alex for you.
Gentry: Yeah, he’s the hero, and he’s not perfect. But he, like, I think that Jackie deserves someone like Alex. If you think long term right? Think long-term. Cole’s fun, maybe, for a time, but he’s not the person you stay with. Alex is a person who takes care of you, you know. And so I think, yeah, I’m pro-Alex. There’s just so much more potential with Alex, and maybe that potential hasn’t been realized fully, because he’s the younger of the two brothers. But I think in Season 2, you definitely see him mature and grow up and get older. And for that reason, I think the choice is pretty clear between the two.
What Is Ashby Gentry’s Favorite On-set Memory?

AoF: There you go! We’ve heard it here first. And then I have time for one more question. What has been your favorite on-set memory you’ve made so far?
Gentry: My favorite on-set memory. Probably — you mean from Season 2?
AoF: From any Season, 1 or 2; if it’s easier for you to just narrow it down to just one season, then Season 2.
Gentry: I think — we just had an overnight shoot. And it was the first shoot where we had basically everyone from the cast there, which is really nice, because we don’t get to see everybody a lot this as much this year. And there was a period where the power went out, and so we had to stop shooting for a bit, it was cold, we were outside, and we were all just goofing around. It’s like moments like those where you really feel like a family. You really feel like a community. It just makes the work so effortless when you have to go back to it. And so, yeah, that’s probably one of my favorite moments this year.
AoF: Yeah.
Gentry: That and getting Crumbl with everybody. We’re like Crumbl addicts on the show.
AoF: Oh, my God, Crumbl! What’s your favorite?
Gentry: My favorite cookie from Crumbl? Probably — I’m trying to think we had the cinnamon cake thing, Noah really loves the fried ice cream one. That one is really good. I like all of them. I like the sugar cookie, and it’s weird because I’m not a big sugar cookie guy, but like the Crumbl one, for some reason, I love it. When I was doing my Invisalign treatment, I would get Crumbl all the time, and one of the good things about it was like it didn’t get stuck, you know, like, in the —
AoF: Yeah, like it does with the braces. Yeah, with braces.
Gentry: You could just take them out. And so it’s like being able to. We’re all like, really, into like foodies on the show, and so…It’s nice when it’s like convenient and easy to enjoy all of that. So we do a lot of that together. But I think just hanging out like we all really enjoy each other’s company. And so whenever we get to spend time, it’s really fun.
AoF: Yeah, I guess that brought me to my last little thing. I wanted to mention your Challengers costume with Noah and Nikki. It was absolutely fabulous. You guys killed it. I had to bring that up, but that’s really all I’ve got for you. Thank you so much for your time.
Gentry: Thank you, so nice to talk to you!
AoF: Yeah, so nice to talk to you as well! Looking forward to Season 2.
Gentry: Yeah, I hope you enjoy. I hope you’re team Alex!
AoF: I think you converted me. I was sort of on the fence. I was like kind of a team neither or team Jackie, but I think you converted me.
Gentry: Yeah. Well, you know, hopefully, Season 2 retains you then.
AoF: All right. Well, thank you!
What are you most excited about for Season 2 of My Life with The Walter Boys? Let us know on our socials and be sure to follow Agents of Fandom for all the latest in entertainment.