Wade and Ember in Elemental | Agents of Fandom

‘Elemental’ Cast Hopes to Inspire Audiences

Cast members Leah Lewis and Mamoudou Athie share how they hope the film impacts audiences.

Pixar’s new film Elemental is now in theaters. While there’s been plenty of big names headlining Pixar animated films in the past, the Elemental cast features up-and-coming actors Leah Lewis and Mamoudou Athie as the lead characters Ember and Wade. Their relationship is the focal point of the story as they adventure through Element City.

Lewis and Athis described recently at the Elemental press conference how much the film meant to them personally, and how they hope the movie will inspire audiences.

‘Elemental’ cast embodies their characters

Elemental cast members Mamoudou Athie and Leah Lewis in Cannes | Agents of Fandom
Mamoudou Athie and Leah Lewis promoting Elemental in Cannes. Image Credit: Walt Disney Studios Canada.

Regardless of your age, animated films have a habit of tugging on our heartstrings in ways live-action projects just can’t. A perfect example is Pixar. I dare you to name the last Disney and Pixar collaboration that didn’t make you cry. The writers always manage to make the characters feel so important and relatable that it’s near impossible to not get attached.

Thankfully, the two leads of the Elemental cast took their roles incredibly seriously to ensure their new film continued the trend. For Leah Lewis’ Ember, she often found her character was very similar to herself.

“I’m deeply protective of my parents…The sacrifices they made have never gone over my head and it really doesn’t for Ember either. It’s the biggest gift I could imagine having supportive parents, so watching Elemental was really special.”

—Leah Lewis on her character Ember at the Elemental press conference.

Much like his co-star, Wade Ripple’s voice actor Mamoudou Athie also found similarities to himself in his character. Wade’s carefree attitude and focus on doing what makes him happy resonate with Mamoudou and allowed him to connect with his role. While the actors enjoyed their time on the film and were moved by the final product, the goal is to make the audience feel the same way. Thankfully, the cast is confident this will be the case.

“There’s something about this movie that will open up the hearts of viewers. Every frame of this movie, the love is so palpable. You can always count on Pixar to deliver the heart.”

—Mamoudou Athie on what he hopes the audience takes away from the film.

Pixar’s Elemental is now playing exclusively in theaters. The film is directed by Peter Sohn and follows Leah Lewis’ Ember as she navigates the difficulties of having her lifelong beliefs challenged.

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