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Samuel L. Jackson
29 posts
Marvel’s Secret Invasion First Reactions Tease Suspenseful Story and Riveting Performances
Critics are praising Marvel's new spy thriller.
‘Secret Invasion’ Plants a New MCU Seed Rooted in Distrust and Paranoia
Marvel captures magic in the unknown with their latest MCU Disney+ series.
Danger Lurks Around Every Corner—Who is a Skrull in the MCU? Our 5 Craziest Skrull Theories
Some characters may not be what they seem.
‘The Marvels’ Trailer Breakdown: Higher, Further, Faster, Together
'The Marvels' blast into space in a new cosmic adventure with all the potential for a great MCU movie.
Marvel’s Secret Invasion Trailer Breakdown
Secret Invasion has a new official trailer which raises more questions and promises an exciting new MCU entry.