In a year filled with fantastic animated television series, Creature Commandos stands out as one of the best. Hopes for the new DCU have been sky-high since James Gunn took charge, and rightfully so, given his track record. Although 2025’s Superman feels like the proper introduction to the new universe, Gunn has assembled an all-star cast for the first addition to his universe with Creature Commandos.
The series resembles an animated version of The Suicide Squad, ripe with comedy, violence, blood, gore, and connections to Gunn’s other DC project, Peacemaker. Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) returns to assemble a new team, this time with a monstrous twist. Plenty of familiar faces from past James Gunn projects and plot similarities to The Suicide Squad make Creature Commandos feel right at home with what viewers have already seen from the writer. Compelling, emotional character arcs with a dash of comedy and action make Creature Commandos a solid first addition to the DCU.
James Gunn Delivers His Darkest Project Yet
Rick Flag Sr. (Frank Grillo) leads the squad and the series as the main character, but it’s newcomer Bride (Indira Varma) who stands out as the most compelling character, in addition to having the most emotional voice-acting performance of the group. Her journey throughout the series is filled with traumas no one should have to endure as she finds her own path away from a variety of toxic men.
Although Flag probably has the most screen time in the series, Bride takes on the emotional lead as she flees from Frankenstein (David Harbour). Their time together is dark, twisted, and well, monstrous. Although animation is often falsely equated as something solely for children, Creature Commandos is undoubtedly only for adults. In addition to the gory action sequences, the themes covered throughout the series aren’t for the faint of heart.
‘Creature Commandos’ Features a Star-Studded Cast
Despite the large sum of characters present in Creature Commandos, the series still features emotional backstories for each of the sorry beings that fell under Amanda Waller’s control. G.I. Robot (Sean Gunn) is the funniest of the group, while Nina Mazursky (Zoe Chao) acts as a wholesome moral compass to counteract the terror of her fellow team members. However, Alan Tudyk stands out with an impassioned performance as Dr. Phosphorous, as well as other surprise characters.
While she isn’t part of the Creature Commandos, Princess Ilana (Maria Bakalova) still leaves her stamp on the series. The character is mysterious, sexy, and plays a massive role throughout the seven episodes. James Gunn reportedly had Bakalova in mind for the role from the onset of production, and it proves to be a wise decision as she knocks it out of the park.
‘Creature Commandos’ Review: Steamy, Silly, and a Whole Lot of Fun
Featuring intense amounts of blood, gore, and even a hint of nudity, Creature Commandos holds nothing back. The series features “found family” elements and side-splitting comedy while making viewers fall in love with a peculiar band of misfits. Recognize the formula? It’s what James Gunn does best. With Superman set to be the first feature film in the new DCU, Creature Commandos functions as a tasty appetizer for viewers while they wait for the main course.
Check out our Creature Commandos After Show on the Agents of Fandom YouTube page after each episode is released. Follow Agents of Fandom socials for all the latest entertainment news and reviews.
Creature Commandos Review
Creature Commandos ReviewThe Good
- James Gunn once again uses unknown characters to create enjoyable comic book content.
- Action sequences are thrilling and filled with 'Invincible' levels of intensity.
- Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious.
- Despite the large cast, each character receives a proper backstory and enough screen time.
The Bad
- Many elements are incredibly similar to 'The Suicide Squad,' feeling slightly repetitive.