Sir Michael Caine, 90, is one of the most respected actors of this—or any—generation. So, imagine how livid and “old man pissed” he got when he read a report that the film that put his name on the map actually sparked White Nationalism across the pond.
So there he is in his modest château eating scones and sipping Earl Grey tea, (he just looks the type) when Michael Caine almost chokes on a blueberry. As the report in UK’s The Spectator shares, he was enjoying a nice email Q&A about his six-decade acclaimed career.
One of the conversation highlights is his first movie in 1964, Zulu. If you ever wonder why Caine no longer works the stage, he got the bug for movies following that film and never looked back. Funny note about that movie, the reporter gets to it at the tail-end of the interview. That’s why Caine forgot his posh decorum and gave the article his negative review.
Michael Caine calls bullsh*t

That scene detailing the Battle of Rorke’s Drift in the 1870s made Michael Caine a star. The film won a BAFTA, and he won the praise of every thespian in America. However, news is now that Caine won the praise of a few derelicts in white sheets.
The British government has its equivalent to Homeland Security called Prevent, as part of the Home Office’s Research, Information, and Communications Unit (RICU). As they are busy snuffing out terrorists and potential plots to destroy Buckingham Palace or something, they released a report about Zulu, saying it is a “key text” of inspiration for the far-right and white nationalists.
That is the biggest load of bullshit I have heard!
Michael Caine via The Spectator
Mic-drop. He’s done talking about it, and the reporter got nary another word on the issue. The conflict is also known as the “Anglo-Zulu War,” so dunderhead bigots like to parade around the racial angle of that, when actually, the conflict was about land rights in Africa.
Caine has won two Oscars, earned six nominations, and has three grandkids. Oh, and he was Alfred. Let’s leave Pops alone and stop trying to get him to pop a blood vessel, okay?
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