*This comic review contains spoilers for Moon Knight #19*
Jed MacKay’s ability to dive deep into Moon Knight’s lore has made this run stand out from the rest. Moon Knight #19 serves as a transition between story arcs. In this issue, we get more of Moon Knight teaming up with Hunter’s Moon (Badr). While on a mission to assist Moloids in Subterranea, Badr reveals a new obstacle ahead for Marc Spector.
No More Resurrections
An aspect of the character that has been shown throughout the past issues is the ability for Khonshu to resurrect his fists. Though we know Moon Knight is a mantle, not just a title for Marc Spector, Hunter’s Moon reveals what happens after each death: little-by-little, a piece of sanity is lost with each resurrection. Naturally, Marc makes nothing of this at first, but after Hunter’s Moon’s latest resurrection (in the previous issue), Badr reveals a second layer. Since Khonshu is in a weakened state, due to the events of the Age of Khonshu arc (Avengers Vol. 8 33-37), he can no longer resurrect Moon Knight or Hunter’s Moon if they were to die again.

Zodiac Still Lingers
The initial villain in this run of Moon Knight has been Zodiac, a masked man whose goal is to take down Moon Knight to his core. Zodiac is currently in prison speaking to Doctor Robert Plesko. Plesko, a former mercenary who had assignments with Marc Spector, is tasked by Moon Knight to be Zodiac’s in-prison psychotherapist.
Zodiac then goes on several long, drawn out, rants on the greatness of American supervillains. But in the end, he snaps when Plesko reveals to him that everything Zodiac thought he accomplished (like killing Soldier) had failed.
Frantically going off on Plesko, Zodiac tells the psychotherapist that Soldier won’t be the last who gets hurt. No matter what, “People who hang out with Moon Knight, they end up dead too!” The final page reveals the latest group of villains who will go after Spector.
Seems to me like the Doctor should start getting his affairs in order.

Moon Knight Keeps the Momentum
In the end, Moon Knight #19 was a fine setup issue between arcs. Moon Knight by Jed MacKay has been one of the most consistent books on the shelves. The art from Federico Sabbatini is wonderful as always, with a nice ode to some Ben-Day dots in a panel early on.
Agent Damon’s Rating: 4/5
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