*Warning: The following review contains spoilers for Dawn of DC: Green Arrow #1*
Green Arrow #1, headed by the creative team of Josh Williamson and Sean Izaakse, picks up after the events of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths. Oliver Queen is lost somewhere in the cosmos, and it’s up to his friends and family to find him. The issue is an exciting relaunch for a hero that we’ve all grown to know and love through various pieces of DC media. “Ollie” played a huge role in the Dark Crisis story, so let’s see what happens to him next!
A walk through memory lane

The issue begins with Oliver Queen washed up on an island (not again?!); but not the one you’re thinking of. Ollie realizes he is a long way from home. The creative team does well to catch the reader up on the Green Arrow story if they are new to the character. This story covers all of his main arcs, including the entitled playboy he used to be, the island, his training, and everyone he’s worked with.
Green Arrow #1 also introduces his Green Arrow “family.” First up is Roy Harper, a.k.a. Speedy a.k.a. Red Arrow, Ollie’s original sidekick and apprentice. Next is Connor Hawke, a.k.a. Green Arrow, Oliver Queen’s son and his legacy. Finally, we are reintroduced to Dinah Lance, a.k.a. Black Canary, Justice League member and Oliver Queen’s beloved other half. The majority of this issue revolves around Roy Harper, Connor Hawke, and Black Canary. Williamson tries his best to ensure the groundwork is laid for the events that await.
The team chase a lead into Gotham, one that could result in more information on the whereabouts of Oliver Queen. The mission ends with a reunion between Roy and his daughter Lian, who assists the team with some thugs they encounter.
A reunion cut short

The catch up between Roy and Lian becomes the heart of Green Arrow #1. There are so many things left unsaid between the two in the past, and these moments they get to share tug at the reader’s heartstrings. However, this reunion is cut short as Lian and Connor mysteriously disappear. As Lian fades away, she tells her dad to find Amanda Waller. If you’ve read Dark Crisis, then you know that Waller has assembled a new Task Force X!
Lian next appears in the same world as Oliver Queen. He saves her from a group of Manhunters with a chainsaw trick arrow (which might just be my favourite trick arrow in the history of Green Arrow comics!) because he’s been expecting her. They set off on their mission together, leaving the reader on a cliffhanger at the end of the issue.
Green Arrow #1 is a refreshing and compelling beginning of this solo series. Williamson leaves many breadcrumbs that will definitely be handy in future issues. The story pulls you in, and you immediately want more. The art is amazing, and the reader can tell straight away that Sean Izaakse is a lifelong Green Arrow fan. The legacy character drawings, the poses that have always been associated with The Emerald Archer, and the slick costumes are nothing short of perfection.
Williamson has mentioned that the six-issue series has already been extended to 12 issues! This allows the creative team to expand on their ideas with the freedom they hoped for. The thing I love most about this story is that the Green Arrow is always associated with street-level villains. He’s always on the ground. With this one, Ollie is stuck in the cosmos. He is a long way from home, and this time around, he has to rely on others to save him. Until then, he has to do what he does best…survive.
Dawn of DC: Green Arrow is written by Joshua Williamson, with art by Sean Izaakse, colours by Romulo Fajardo Jr., and letters by Troy Peteri.
Check out Dawn of DC: Green Arrow #1 at your local comic shop or wherever you get your comics, and follow Agents of Fandom socials!
'Dawn of DC: Green Arrow #1' Review
'Dawn of DC: Green Arrow #1' Review-
Story4/5 Good
Art5/5 Amazing
Enjoyment4.5/5 Very good