Warning: Spoilers ahead for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7
The penultimate episode of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 delivers some of the best high-action fantasy seen on TV in years, perhaps even rivaling its predecessor, the iconic Battle of Helm’s Deep in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
With the war for Eregion fully underway, the Elves stand against Adar’s (Sam Hazeldine) forces, while the Dwarves make a stand of their own in the stone halls of Khazad-dûm. Meanwhile, Sauron (Charlie Vickers) continues his torment over Celebrimbor (Charles Edwards) as he finishes the Nine Rings for Men and takes control of Eregion’s defenses.
‘Rings of Power’ Season 2 Episode 7 Show’s Sauron’s Full Power

Episode 7 of Season 2 begins in Eregion as Celebrimbor enjoys his morning tea on the balcony, looking out over his beautiful city. He finishes the base construction of the Nine Rings and notices a jewel missing from Fëanor’s hammer. While looking for it, he gets a glimpse of himself in the mirror and sees himself filthy and ragged. Annatar comes in and Celebrimbor tells him about the hammer, but he shows him that all the jewels are there and assures Celebrimbor he’s just being forgetful.
Celebrimbor says the Rings are nearly complete and thanks Annatar for taking care of things and allowing him to work without distractions. Annatar is sad that their work is coming to an end and says that he will miss it. He leaves Celebrimbor and goes outside, and we see that the city is fully under attack. Annatar takes control of the city defenses, telling them that Celebrimbor has lost his mind and has shut himself away in his forge. The Orcs then direct their fire to the nearby mountain, causing it to crumble and creating a dam across the river for them to cross.
The Dwarves Make a Stand in Khazad-dûm

In Khazad-dûm, Narvi (Kevin Eldon) tells King Durin III (Peter Mullan) of the war in Eregion, and despite Durin IV (Owain Arthur) and Disa (Sophia Nomvete) blocking the mine, he orders Narvi to continue digging. Once at the mine, Narvi and the other Dwarves surrender their arms and agree to stand with Prince Durin. Narvi tells Durin that an Elf is there to see him, and Durin finds Elrond (Robert Aramayo) waiting.
The two friends reunite at last and tell each other of their troubles since they last saw each other. Elrond tells Durin that thousands of lives are at stake, and he needs him and the Dwarves to help save Eregion and Celebrimbor. Later, Durin gathers the army of Khazad-dûm, but before they march on Eregion, Narvi comes and tells Durin that the King has gone mad and is cutting down his people to get to the mines. Narvi warns him that if they go to Eregion, Khazad-dûm may not be there when they return.
Annatar Is Revealed As Sauron in ‘Rings of Power’ Season 2 Episode 7

In Eregion, the Orcs continue attacking the city as the city guard desperately tries to stop them. Inside the forge, Celebrimbor notices a pattern repeating and uses a marking on a candlestick to prove that time is not passing. He confronts Annatar about this, and Annatar confesses to the manipulation but only to give Celebrimbor peace. Celebrimbor begins to unravel and demands to know what Annatar has done to him and who he really is.
Annatar, now done with his charade, commands Celebrimbor to give him the Nine. Celebrimbor throws Fëanor’s hammer at Annatar, which misses but shatters the window behind him, and Annatar’s illusions along with it. Celebrimbor finally hears the alarms and the attack outside; he looks back to see his forge destroyed and begins to weep. In his dismay, he knocks over the powder Mithril and discovers black blood oozing out from it. With that, Annatar thanks him for all he has learned from the great Elven smith and reveals himself to be Sauron.
Celebrimbor flees the tower and rushes to the city defenses, where he tells Mirdania (Amelia Kenworthy) and the guards of Annatar’s true identity as the Dark Lord. She and the other guards think he is crazy, and Annatar arrives with the guards standing behind him. Mirdania goes to help Celebrimbor return to his forge, but they struggle, and she falls over the wall where a nearby Orc smashes her with his axe. Sauron tells him this can all be over if he gives him the Nine Rings, and the guards take him away.
Elrond and Galadriel’s Relationship Takes a Turn in ‘The Rings of Power’ Season 2 Episode 7

Elrond, Gil-galad (Benjamin Walker), and the rest of Lindon’s army arrive on the battlefield and charge to meet the horde of Orcs, but they reveal Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) as their prisoner and stop the Elves in their tracks. Elrond and Vorhil (Charlie Rix) meet with Adar, who demands the ring in exchange for Galadriel. Elrond refuses his offer but asks to say goodbye to Galadriel, and he asks her to forgive him. She only asks for him to win, and the two share a kiss, allowing him to slip her his broach.
Vorohil doubts Elrond’s confidence, but Elrond assures him that the Dwarves are coming to their aid and sends Vorohil to meet them. Elrond then leads the forces of Lindon into battle as they cut down the Orcs in their way. Elrond is thrown from his horse and battles with a group of Orcs, but one of them kills his steed. This sends Elrond into a rage, and he finishes them off brutally and takes a moment to mourn his fallen friend before returning to battle.
Arondir Comes to Galadriel’s Rescue At the Perfect Time

On the sidelines, Glug (Robert Strange) tells Adar that the Elves’ forces are stronger than they thought, and many Orcs are dying. Adar refuses to retreat, and Glug pleads with him, questioning his love for their species. Adar argues that he loves them too much to see them become slaves of Sauron and leaves to get Galadriel, who he discovers has escaped.
Galadriel makes her way through the Orc camp and witnesses them holding a funeral for their fallen soldiers. She continues to look for an escape when she is discovered by her golden hair but is saved by Arondir (Ismael Cruz Cordova), who brings her out of the encampment. Arondir tells Galadriel that he is only there to kill the Lord-father of the Orcs, but she convinces him that he is needed on the battlefield and that Adar’s time will come later
Celebrimbor Breaks Sauron’s Delusions

Celebrimbor works under Sauron’s vigilance to complete the Nine, and Sauron tells him that once Middle-earth is healed, all their suffering will be worth it. He recounts to Celebrimbor his torture at the hands of Morgoth and how it pains him to have to treat the Elven smith the same way but argues he chose this path and forced him to torment him into making the rings. Celebrimbor says he truly is the great deceiver, even being able to deceive himself.
Sauron leaves, and Celebrimbor begins to hear the whispers of the rings. He tries to destroy them by throwing them into the fire, but they do not burn, so he gathers them together and cuts off his thumb to release his chains and escape. He comes down from the tower to see the city’s destruction, and the guards try to bring him back to his tower on Annatar’s orders when Galadriel arrives and makes them let him go.
She embraces Celebrimbor, but he almost doesn’t believe she is real, thinking she is just another of Sauron’s illusions. He gives her the Nine Rings and says that part of him knew all along, but he wanted what Sauron offered and blinded himself to it. Celebrimbor reminds Galadriel that only light can overcome darkness and promises he will hold Sauron off as long as possible for her and anyone she can gather to escape the city. Celebrimbor and his guards confront Sauron, but he uses his powers to make the guards kill each other. He slices the last one’s throat and demands Celebrimbor give him the Nine Rings for Men.
The Elves Make Their Last Stand in ‘Rings of Power’ Season 2 Episode 7

On the battlefield, Elrond, Rían (Selina Lo), and the other Elven warriors make their way to the wall and rush the line to give Rian a chance to destroy the Orc’s ramming device. Elrond and the Elves successfully fight their way through, but Elrond looks back to see Rian pelted with arrows. Rian gets back up and is able to let off one last arrow before she falls, which successfully hits the oil drum on the ram, causing it to explode and giving Elrond and the Elves a chance to advance.
Adar calls the troll Damrod (Benjamin Walker) to the battlefield, and he comes in killing everything in his path. Elrond continues to fight to disable the siege ram, but Damrod swipes him away, though Elrond is able to wound him. Damrod then takes the device and starts ramming it into the wall manually, but Arondir and Elrond take him down, with Gil-galad delivering the final blow. Adar and his remaining forces charge at the remainder of the Elves’ forces as the sun rises.
Elrond assures that the Dwarves are coming, and Vorohil arrives filled with arrows, saying that Durin recalled his army and shut the gates of Khazad-dûm. Gil-galad, Arondir, and the few remaining Elves rush to meet Adar on the battlefield as Elrond holds Vorohil and repeats that Durin will come. Arondir faces Adar and stabs him with an arrow, but Adar stabs him with his sword and seemingly leaves him to die. He makes it to Elrond, who tries to stop him, but Adar grabs him by the throat and takes Galadriel’s ring.
‘The Rings of Power’ Season 2 Delivers on Promises to Fans

This episode was phenomenal and undoubtedly the best of the season so far; the cast and showrunners executed this penultimate episode perfectly to set audiences up for the final. The tension is high throughout the episode, and the battle sequences are nothing short of epic, paying off the showrunners’ promises of upping the ante this season. While the episode is brutal and dark, hope still lives in the heart of Middle-earth’s people as they stand against the evil.
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 7 delivers fans an action-packed episode that brings together the whole season. Everything great about this show is on full display in this episode, with the best performances, set designs, and pacing of the season so far. Episode 7 brings Rings of Power to the height of fantasy television and sets up an epic conclusion to a fantastic season.
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'Rings of Power' Season 2, Episode 7 Review
'Rings of Power' Season 2, Episode 7 ReviewThe Good
- Fast paced and well executed action sequences are the pinnacle of this penultimate episode.
- Episode 7 maintains a high level on tension throughout.
- Contains one of the best battles in a fantasy adaptation in years.
The Bad
- Another episode passes without mention of Poppy, Nori, or the Stranger.