Warning: Spoilers ahead for My Adventures With Superman Season 2, Episode 10, “My Adventures With Supergirl.”
All appears lost as both Clark (Jack Quaid) and Kara (Kiana Madeira) suffer from the effects of Kryptonite, and Brainiac (Michael Emerson) is primed to destroy the entire world. The stakes are high, and the odds are against Superman and company, with Earth’s two strongest heroes down for the count.
My Adventures With Superman has delivered an impeccable experience for viewers all season long, and they impressively conclude the story for the finale. Clark’s journey has featured immense personal battles, struggling to see his own self-worth. However, despite his challenges, Clark has inspired others every step of the way. With the Earth set to fall under Brainiac’s rule, Superman’s impact on those around him proves to be his most heroic act yet. Check out all the details in our My Adventures With Superman Season 2, Episode 10, “My Adventures With Supergirl,” recap below!
‘My Adventures With Superman’ Season 2 Finale Soars High and Sticks the Landing

With Brainiac set to obliterate the planet, all of Earth’s armies unite to fight the threat. However, they expectedly aren’t able to put a single dent in their forces. Thankfully, while Superman and Kara are downed by the effects of Lex Luthor’s (Max Mittelman) Kryptonite Metallo bots, former villains that Superman has helped see the light throughout the season join the fight for the world’s survival in My Adventures With Superman Season 2, Episode 10.
Amanda Waller (Debra Wilson) finally acknowledges she has poorly chosen her allies, as she cuts ties with Lex Luthor and Deathstroke (Chris Parnell) to join forces with the recently arrived General Lane (Joel de la Fuente), Steel (Byron Marc Newsome) and other former foes of Superman who want to help save the day. While Jimmy Olsen (Ishmel Sahid) and Lois Lane (Alice Lee) can’t match up with Brainiac’s forces physically, they do a wonderful job of helping recruit forces to the cause.
The Cavalry Arrives in ‘My Adventures With Superman’ Season 2 Episode 10

With Steel, Livewire (Zehra Fazal), and co. fending off Brainiac’s robots, Jimmy and Lois finally get a chance to check on the downed Kara and Clark. Although it seems the tide has turned in the heroes’ fortune with their allies handling the Kryptonite so Superman and Kara can infiltrate Brainiac’s base, their success isn’t long-lasting.
When Kara and Clark finally reach Brainiac, he reveals he wanted them to make it to his chambers all along. He unleashes the “Eradicator Override,” returning Kara under his control. The near-mindless Kara lashes out at Clark and devastates him physically as he doesn’t want to fight back and risk hurting his cousin. Luckily, Clark is able to secure Kara in a bear hug, begging her to snap out of Brainiac’s control while Lois and Jimmy are there to support her as well in the My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Finale.
Even Kryptonite Can’t Stop Superman and Friends

Jimmy’s words of affirmation are the final touch Kara needs to snap out of it, and she finally returns to her right mind. The two Kryptonians team up to push Brainiac’s ship out of Earth’s orbit and into the sun, saving Earth once and for all. However, Brainiac always has a backup plan ready and launches a Kryptonite beam directly at Clark before gravity pulls him into the large ball of fire.
Before Clark is struck, Kara pushes him out of the way and takes the full force of the beam directly into her chest in My Adventures With Superman Season 2, Episode 10. Thankfully, as Clark dives into the sun to save Kara, he learns a new important detail about Kryptonian biology.
The power of a yellow sun saves both his and Kara’s lives and recharges them to new levels of power. In a final, anime-inspired Super Saiyan power-up of the season, Kara suits up in a brand new costume to match Superman and officially becomes Supergirl.
Kara Embraces Her True Self in “My Adventures With Supergirl”

The newly powered-up Supergirl faces her demons and charges Brainiac’s ship, dismantling all his technology and destroying his prime body. Superman and Supergirl may not kill their living foes, but artificial intelligence certainly doesn’t count. After years of being forced to do Brainiac’s bidding and conquer the galaxy, Kara passes out as she basks in the glory of finally saving a planet in the My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Finale.
When she awakens, Kara is surrounded by family, love, and the welcoming environment of the Kent family farm. Clark teaches her the game of catch, and she adorably tries to find a way to beat him in a game that isn’t competitive. The family is together and happy, as Clark, Kara, Jimmy, and Lois are all safe and free of Brainac’s reign.
The ‘My Adventures With Superman’ Season 2 Finale Wraps the Story Up With a Bow

Clark and Lois discuss the troubles plaguing their relationship as their lives have finally slowed down. Although Clark is ready to commute to Gotham if Lois accepts the job offer, Lois reveals she wants to stay in Metropolis, not just to be with Clark, but for herself. She declares she has no interest in becoming the next Vicki Vale (Andromeda Dunker) but wants to make a name for herself as the first Lois Lane.
Despite My Adventures With Superman already being renewed for a third season, the finale very much ties up the story and gives a satisfying conclusion. While there isn’t much teased for the future, it leaves a blank slate for the writers to take the story in any direction they please. The season finale caps off an excellent installment to the series and completes one of the most underrated stories on television. Here’s to hoping Season 3 lives up to its predecessors!
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'My Adventures With Superman' Season 2, Episode 10, "My Adventures With Supergirl" Review
'My Adventures With Superman' Season 2, Episode 10, "My Adventures With Supergirl" ReviewThe Good
- A wonderful final Super Saiyan power up gives a great homage to the anime-inspirations the show has had all series.
- Action sequences throughout match the level of top tier animation delivered across the season.
- The story perfectly ties up all storylines and gives a satisfying conclusion.
- Supergirl is here to stay, yay!
The Bad
- Nothing sets up the next season in an exciting way, it's completely contained.